Tuesday 31 March 2015

Nash's Trios of Flatulence: Learn A Drug Challenge

Books Referred : Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics, Nash
                              Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica, Farrington
                              A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Clarke
                              Allen's Keynotes

 Nash's trios of flatulence are Carbo Veg, Lycopodium and Cinchona, well known to every student of homoeopathy. Nash is definitely a master when it comes to grouping of medicines, making our life easier. Carbo Veg has flatulence in the upper abdomen, Lycopodium in the lower abdomen and Cinchona in the entire abdomen. There is a lot more in the symptomatology of these drugs which would help us in selecting the similimum wisely.


This is the drug which prompted Hahnemann to make his own study and discover the wonderful system of  homoeopathy. China has dyspepsia occuring especially after loss of fluids. It is an excellent remedy in the gastric troubles of children who are continually asking for dainties but who reject substantial kinds of food, very much like the present day children. Cinchona is yet again one of the best remedies for diarrhea occuring in hot weather after eating fruits. China is also helpful in flatulence as the result of drinking tea to excess and beer.

Cinchona does have loss of appetite, but canine hunger is more marked. Dr. Guernsey expresses the flatulence of Cinchona as an uncomfortable distension of the abdomen, with a wish to belch up or a sensation as if the abdomen were packed full, not in the least relieved by erructation. The digestion is so weak that the stomach cannot tolerate any food at all. Though they feel so full and find it difficult to breathe, they still feel hungry at meal times. They have thirst for cold water, drinks little and often.

In children when Cinchona is indicated due to indigestion from over eating dainties, the child wakes up cross and irritable. They have a bad taste in the mouth.

Cinchona has a tendency to diarrhea especially after eating fruit. The stools are watery, yellow, undigested. Painless diarrhea is yet another feature of China. This type of diarrhea is also found in children.

It is very important to remember the periodicity of China. Nash says the complaints come on alternate days. Colic from gall stones is said to come at a certain hour each day. The colic is worse at night, after eating and relieved by bending double.


Carbo Veg is a drug indicated in those who have not fully recovered from the effects of some previous diseases. Carbo veg is much useful for the bad effects of excessive indulgence in liquors. Carbo Veg is unable to take in any fat food whether it be meat, gravy or fried food. Milk likewise cause great flatulence.

The pain due to flatulence is made worse on lying down. Nash says this symptom may occur in different affections ranging from a simple dyspepsia to incurable cancer of the stomach. Carbo veg is much useful in distension of abdomen in typhoid, dysentery etc. Carbo Veg is a remedy of value in hemorrhage from any broken down condition of mucous membrane. Burning pains are found in this drug. Acidity is frequent. Headache too often accompanies the gastric complaints, particularly in the morning on waking from sleep. Headache is made worse in a warm room. Vertigo too could be found along with this.

The abdomen is distended with flatus.There is colic due to accumulation of flatus in the abdomen. During pain, the patient desires to be fanned hard. The pain is more in a warm room. The belching and the flatus are offensive. The belching produces a rancid taste in the mouth. The belching relieves the complaints of Carbo Veg. Carbo Veg has cured ulcerations of the stomach.

As for the bowels, Carbo Veg suffers from constipation with haemorrhoids. The liver is involved in Carbo Veg and it gets enlarged. The portal system gets engorged, developing haemorrhoids.  At other times, there is morning diarrhea with watery stool but with a great deal of straining. Carbo Veg is also indicated in dysentry with offensive stool. Burning follows the evacuation of bowels. With diarrhoea the prostration will indicate Carbo Veg. There is the typical appearance of Carbo Veg especially in children with coldness, pallor and cold sweat. Collapse with coldness is yet another indication of Carbo Veg.


With Lyco, the flatulent condition is very apt to occur in connection with chronic liver troubles especially in children and old people.

The canine hunger of Lyco is well known. The head aches if he does not eat. The eructations, heart burn, water brash, vomiting etc. tastes sour.

In Lyco there seems to be an almost constant fermentation of gas going on in the abdomen. It produces a loud croaking and rumbling in the abdomen. The constant flatulence produces a sense of satiety. Thus, while eating a few mouthfuls fills him up and he feels bloated.

Lyco is a right sided remedy and the pains go from right to left. The flatulence is more in the lower abdomen. The evening aggravation from 4pm to 8pm, needs a mention here. Lyco cannot tolerate pressure of clothing about the waist after a meal.

The region of the liver is very sensitive to touch. A feeling of tension in this site is usually found in Lyco in Chronic Hepatitis when abscess has formed. The diaphragm too could be involved here.

The bowels are usually constipated with ineffectual urging. This is mostly due to contracture of sphincter ani. Piles are bound to develop. However the fermentation in intestine could be followed by the discharge of flatus and even by diarrhea.

Though the three drugs have flatulence, the indications are varied. A careful study of the particulars in connection with the general study of the drug is recommended for better understanding and better prescribing. A common feature in these drugs besides the flatulence is the weakened or the run down look of the patient in one way or the other. Do not limit these drugs to simple indigestion alone. Chronic and deep seated conditions too might yield under the drugs where symptoms correspond.


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